Cut Off
Where can I get a gun? Flanked. After knowing you for years, you were rarely happy – at least enough to pull the trigger. Wanna get...

Stressed Loon
Like when the popcorn flew up into the air, yodeling and laughing mixed as we poked fun to release excited anxiety, to release the...

Black X inked onto my sticky skin as I’m walking into blurry faces smeared here against the wall we create at the doorway. We meet bleary...
The End
Spicy Food Murder my lips Numb Regret in my stomach Fak. #MichaelMasleyHannett #poetry #20172018
That big brown house in Windsor. I lived in the basement, across from the broken pellet stove. In Winter, my feet would get chilled by...

Women Empowering Women
Just give me one second to analyze, one minute One feeling can turn into an experience One gaze can become a whole movie Drink your own...
Elegy for Terrence Tart
I see you now only in memories of burnt tire tracks and unshaven mugs you are my favorite rusty thought I can still smell your Marlboros...
13 Ways of Looking at a Miscarriage
I. The parents breathe woe The infant no longer does The bond is broken II. At least it was soon I wish your other life well But I...
Ode to Emma and Elegy for Youth
My youth? I hear it mostly In the bells of her springtime giggles I smell it mostly In the sun-soaked sky and Stepped-on skunkweed I...

The Almost Heroic Octopus
Brantley was an overly optimistic octopus who worked at the post office in the postage sorting department. Brantley’s work production...