We see, therefore, how the modern modes of production and of exchange. by An oppressed class ████████ historically, has played a most...
I don’t want to forget. I want it to linger. To make a nest in my body And burrow in the depths of my being. Until it nibbles its way...
When it Hits
A man without a job Parades around with a rusty old car key And judgements far too abrasive to be helpful. His pockets full of scratch...
Thrones of Whiskey and Piss
I. Whiskey Ship There is a frozen piss stain in the snow Beneath his hips and betwixt his haunches. Just a bum, who succumbed to the...
Splendor in a Dark Year
He who wants honey must abide the bees. But, the bees are going— Our glazed eyes avert. I am the speakeasy, I will tremble against the...
No Words
You wanted so badly to show me All of your brain tissue on that couch Sticky with tears on the television as It moved in the wind in...
Sybil waits for answers with one hand raised high and the other pressed firmly against her neck. Her pulse gasps in time with internal...
The Company of Others
a pattern emerges: I flatten myself, turn sharp corners—make edges out of elbows, knees, ankles, wrists. Fingers crack with a tap. I...
an untitled piece
Oh, Apathy, And how she sat with me On the window sill. “Please, Come chat with me,” She said To the bird, Who remained still. We...
The Moth and the Fish
I wrapped my son’s birthday gift In the cellophane of moths’ wings. It is fragile as the skin on his eyelids, As the chiffon of my...