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Black X inked onto my sticky skin as I’m

walking into blurry faces smeared

here against the wall we create at the doorway.

We meet bleary eyed - but you always have tired eyes -

Hi beautiful eyes – hi.

Enveloped into dimly lit rooms downstairs,

Searching to be stamped by that stare.

My stale glance meets your sexy, sleepy look, and

I’m wondering what it is to be closer to it.

Muted sounds of beating bass, do you

hear it too? The blood rushing in my head

as you move into this room – hallway.

Cramped in this space, narrow enough to

reach you with sweating palms.

X is gone from my shaking hand,

unsteadied when the poison left my veins.

Now when I meet your sultry gaze, muffled memory

takes it place.

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