Sweet Tooth
I left the cult of dionysus because My vices are
too wonderful to be exclusive
and now here I am at your door
blood and wine between My toes; with rows of teeth
I smile.
I’m power-hungry but I want to be power-drunk.
what better place to pillage than you?
I should mention while I cross the threshold that
My departure from dionysus may have partially been due
to My lack of want for lovers;
I don’t want lovers.
I want worshippers.
I will only have those who are ready and begging to
kneel before Me each morning
and slur bloody thank yous each time
I pluck out a tooth.
if you want My attention you’ll have to
grip onto Me like a fleeting cat bite;
show Me what little will you have.
I never want anyone forever except
I’m selfromantic.
I’m selfsexual.
I’m selfish.
but you already knew that going in, didn’t you?
you just convinced yourself this would be different.
that I would be different,
that you are different.
you aren’t.
I will always crave nothing but My own satisfaction,
and aren’t you lucky to be the one I’ve chosen to
crumble to get it?
I have a ravenous heart and you should be grateful
she’s settled for you.
I am openly malicious and you love Me for it.
at My every beck and call,
just where you’ve always belonged.
you’ve skipped four card nights with your brothers
and six sunday brunches with your mother
whispering apologies against My palms
and licking your blood from My fingers.
I’ve emptied your answering machine
and they’ve all stopped calling.
no one will believe you when you leave
and tell them I tore open your skin for breakfast
each morning in the hopes of finding deeper purchase
to sink My collection of teeth into.
why would they, when I taste sweet as peach moscato
on their tongues as I melt your truths to hearsay?
you have only one course of action now.
swear your loyalty to Me.
well? swear it.
who else do you have?